Basic Instructions

August 29, 2018 | 2 Tags | 0 Comment

Basic Instructions
AAA (ASCII Adjust AL for Addition)

The aaa instruction is used to adjust the content of the AL register after that register has been used to perform the addition of two unpacked BCDs.

The algorithm is as follows

IF (al AND 0Fh > 9) or (AF = 1)  ;; if low nibble of AL > 9 or the Auxilliary Flag is set
   al = al+6
   ah = ah+1
   CF set
   AF set
al = al AND 0Fh ;; clear the high nibble of AL

The auxiliary flag is set whenever there is an overflow of the lower 4 bits after an addition.


mov  al,7
add  al,2    ;al = 9, AF clear, CF clear
aaa          ;al = 9, ah is unchanged, CF clear
mov  al,7
add  al,6    ;al = 13 = 0Dh, al AND 0Fh = 0Dh > 9, AF clear, CF clear
aaa          ;al = al+6 = 19 = 13h AND 0Fh = 3, ah=ah+1, CF set
mov  al,7
add  al,9    ;al = 16 = 10h, al AND 0Fh = 0 <= 9, AF set, CF clear
aaa          ;al = al+6 = 22 = 16h AND 0Fh = 6, ah=ah+1, CF set

Because only the lower 4 bits of AL are retained, thus it is possible to add the ASCII values of numerical digits directly without the need to convert them to their binary values beforehand.

mov  al,"7"  ;37h
add  al,"2"  ;al = 37h+32h = 69h AND 0Fh = 9, AF clear, CF clear
aaa          ;al = 69h AND 0Fh = 9, ah is unchanged, CF clear

Example of adding two large numbers

global _start

section .data
num1    db   "491756380472816275825"
num2    db   "8387562019932850157"
size1   dd   21
size2   dd   19
length    db   0

section .bss
answer  resb 32

section .text

; ECX will be used to hold the count of digits in the longer string
; EDX will be used to hold the count of digits in the shorter string
; ESI will be used to point to the current digit of the longer string
; EDI will be used to point to the current digit of the shorter string
; EBX will be used to point to the current digit of the answer

   mov      eax,[size1]
   cmp      eax,[size2]
   jle      .lower

   mov      ecx,[size1]
   mov      edx,[size2]
   mov      esi,num1
   add      esi,ecx         ;points to the byte after the last digit
   dec      esi             ;now points to last digit
   mov      edi,num2
   add      edi,edx         ;points to the byte after the last digit
   dec      edi             ;now points to last digit
   jmp      .init

   mov      ecx,[size2]
   mov      edx,[size1]
   mov      esi,num2
   add      esi,ecx         ;points to the byte after the last digit
   dec      esi             ;now points to last digit
   mov      edi,num1
   add      edi,edx         ;points to the byte after the last digit
   dec      edi             ;now points to last digit

   mov      ebx,answer      ; size for the answer and then load EBX with its address. the answer will be stored in reverse order
   clc                      ;clear the CF before starting the addition

; The inc and dec instructions don't affect the CF.
; The CF would be affected if you change those for add reg,1 and sub reg,1
; and you would then need to save and restore that flag within the loops.

   mov      al,[esi]
   adc      al,[edi]         ;add the two digits and include CF from previous addition

   aaa                       ;adjust the resulting digit of the addition
   mov      [ebx],al         ;store it
   inc      ebx
   dec      esi
   dec      edi
   dec      ecx
   dec      edx
   jnz      .shortloop

; At this point, all the digits of the shorter number have been added.
; The remaining digits of the longer number must still be processed
; with any carry from previous additions.

   inc      ecx
   dec      ecx
   jnz      .longloop
   jnc      .finish          ;no overflow from last addition
   mov      byte[ebx],1
   inc      ebx
   jmp      .finish

   mov     al,[esi]
   adc     al,0
   mov     [ebx],al
   inc     ebx
   dec     esi
   dec     ecx
   jnz     .longloop

   jnc     .finish            ;no overflow from last addition
   mov     byte[ebx],1
   inc     ebx

; At this point the answer is in reverse order and in binary format.
; The digits will now be reversed and converted to a null-terminated
; ASCII string ready for display.
; ESI will be used to point from the start of the answer
; EBX will be used to point from the end of the answer
; length will be used to count the length of the answer

   mov     byte[ebx],0         ;to terminate ASCII string
   mov     esi,answer
   dec     ebx                 ;point to last digit

   inc     byte[length]            ;count the length of the answer
   mov     al,[esi]
   mov     ah,[ebx]
   add     ax,3030h            ;convert both to ASCII
   mov     [esi],ah
   mov     [ebx],al
   inc     esi
   dec     ebx
   cmp     esi,ebx
   jbe     .reverse

   popad                       ;restore all registers
   mov     eax,0x4
   mov     ebx,0x1
   mov     ecx,answer
   mov     edx,[length]          ;the length of the answer
   int     0x80                ;print the answer

   ; terminate
   mov     eax,0x1
   xor     ebx,ebx
   int     0x80
Instruction Operands
AAA no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF undefined.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF undefined.
ZF undefined.
AF sets to 1 if there is a decimal borrow; otherwise, it's cleared to 0.
PF undefined.
CF sets to 1 if there is a decimal borrow; otherwise, it's cleared to 0.
AAD (ASCII Adjust AX before Division)

The aad is used to adjust the content of the AX register before that register is used to perform the division of two unpacked BCDs by another unpacked BCD digit.

The algorithm is as follows

AL = (AH * 10) + AL
AH = 0


mov  ax,0307h     ; al = 07h, ah = 03h
aad               ; al = (ah*10) + al, ah = 0
mov  bl,5
div  bl           ; al = quotient, ah = remainder
Instruction Operands
AAD no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF undefined.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result.
ZF sets according to the result.
AF undefined.
PF sets according to the result.
CF undefined.
AAM (ASCII Adjust AX after Multiply)

The aam instruction is used to adjust the content of the AL and AH registers after the AL register has been used to perform the multiplication of two unpacked BCD bytes.

The algorithm is as follows

al = al mod 10
ah = al/10


mov  al,7
mov  ah,3
mul  ah      ;al = 21 = 15h, ah = 0
aam          ;al = 21 mod 10 = 1, ah = 21/10 = 2

In fact, this multiplication could be used without any preceding multiplication.


mov  al,73
aam          ;al = 73 mod 10 = 3, ah = 73/10 = 7
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF undefined.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF undefined
PF sets according to the result
CF undefined
ADC (Add with Carry)

The adc instruction is used to add the destination operand with source operand and also with the carry flag.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand1 + operand2 + CF


STC             ; set CF = 1
MOV AL, 5       ; AL = 5
ADC AL, 1       ; AL = AL + 1 + CF = 7 
Instruction Operands
ADC REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result.
ZF sets according to the result.
AF sets according to the result.
PF sets according to the result.
CF sets according to the result.
ADD (Add)

The adc instruction is used to add the destination operand with source operand.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand1 + operand2


mov al, 5     ; al = 5
add al, -3    ; al = 2
Instruction Operands
ADD REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result.
ZF sets according to the result.
AF sets according to the result.
PF sets according to the result.
CF sets according to the result.
AND (Logical AND)

The and instruction is used to perform a bitwise AND operation on the destination operand and source operand and stores the result in the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand1 AND operand2


mov al,'a'         ; AL = 01100001b
and al,11011111b   ; AL = 01000001b ('A')
Instruction Operands
AND REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result.
ZF sets according to the result.
AF undefined.
PF sets according to the result.
CF cleared.
CALL (Call Procedure)

The call instruction is used to save procedure linking information on the stack and branches to the procedure specified with the destination operand.

Instruction Operands
CALL procedure name
CBW (Convert Byte to Word)

The cbw instruction is used to perform a bitwise AND operation on the destination operand and source operand and stores the result in the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

if high bit of AL = 1 then:
   AH = 255 (0FFh)
   AH = 0


mov ax,0            ; AH = 0, AL = 0
mov al, -5          ; AX = 000FBh (251)
cbw                 ; AX = 0FFFBh (-5)
Instruction Operands
CBW no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected.
ZF unaffected.
AF undefined.
PF unaffected.
CF unaffected.
CDQ (Convert Double to Quad)

The cdq instruction is used to extend the sign bit of EAX into the EDX register.

The algorithm is as follows

if high bit of EAX = 1 then:
   EDX = 0x0


mov   eax, 0x5   ; eax = 0x5, SF = 0
cdq              ; edx = 0x00000000
mov   eax, 0x5   ; eax = 0x5
neg   eax        ; eax = 0xFFFFFFFB, SF = 1
cdq              ; edx = 0xFFFFFFFF
Instruction Operands
CDQ no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected.
ZF unaffected.
AF undefined.
PF unaffected.
CF unaffected.
CLC (Clear Carry Flag)

The cdq instruction is used to clear the CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

CF = 0
Instruction Operands
CLC no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected.
ZF unaffected.
AF undefined.
PF unaffected.
CF cleared to 0.
CLI (Clear Interrupt Flag)

The cli instruction is used to clear the IF flag, interrupts disabled when interrupt flag cleared.

The algorithm is as follows

IF = 0
Instruction Operands
CLI no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF cleared to 0
TF unaffected
SF unaffected.
ZF unaffected.
AF undefined.
PF unaffected.
CF unaffected.
CMC (Complement Carry Flag)

The cmc instruction is used to invert the value of CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

if CF = 1 then CF = 0
if CF = 0 then CF = 1
Instruction Operands
CMC no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected.
ZF unaffected.
AF undefined.
PF unaffected.
CF contains the complement of its original value.
CMP (Compare Two Operands)

The cmc instruction is used to compare the first operand with the second operand and sets the status flag in the EFLAGS register according to the results.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 - operand2


mov al, 5
mov bl, 5
cmp al, bl      ; AL = 5, ZF = 1 (so equal!)
Instruction Operands
CMP REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result.
ZF sets according to the result.
AF sets according to the result.
PF sets according to the result.
CF sets according to the result.
CMPSB (Compare Two Operands)

The cmpsb instruction is used to compare the byte specified with the first operand with the byte specified with the second operand and sets the status flag in the EFLAGS register according to the results. The address of the first operand is read from the DS:SI registers. The address of the second operand is read from the ES:DI registers.

The algorithm is as follows

DS:[SI] - ES:[DI]
set flags according to result:
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 1
   DI = DI + 1
   SI = SI - 1
   DI = DI - 1


cld                     ;Scan in the forward direction
mov     cx, 100         ;Scanning 100 bytes (CX is used by REPE)
lea     si, buffer1     ;Starting address of first buffer
lea     di, buffer2     ;Starting address of second buffer
repe    cmpsb           ;   ...and compare it.
jne     mismatch        ;The Zero Flag will be cleared if there is a mismatch
Instruction Operands
CMPSB no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
ZF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
AF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
PF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
CF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
CMPSW (Compare Two Operands)

The cmpsw instruction is used to compare the word specified with the first operand with the word specified with the second operand and sets the status flag in the EFLAGS register according to the results. The address of the first operand is read from the DS:SI registers. The address of the second operand is read from the ES:DI registers.

The algorithm is as follows

DS:[SI] - ES:[DI]
set flags according to result:
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 2
   DI = DI + 2
   SI = SI - 2
   DI = DI - 2


; set forward direction:

; load source into ds:si,
; load target into es:di:
mov     ax, cs
mov     ds, ax
mov     es, ax
lea     si, dat1
lea     di, dat2

; set counter to data length in words:
mov     cx, size

; compare until equal:
repe    cmpsw
jnz     not_equal

; "yes" - equal!
mov     al, 'y'
mov     ah, 0eh
int     10h

jmp     exit_here

      ; "no" - not equal!
      mov     al, 'n'
      mov     ah, 0eh
      int     10h

      ; wait for any key press:
      mov ah, 0
      int 16h


; data vectors must have equal lengths:
dat1 dw 1234h, 5678h, 9012h, 3456h
dat2 dw 1234h, 5678h, 9012h, 3456h
size = ($ - x1) / 4
Instruction Operands
CMPSW no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
ZF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
AF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
PF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
CF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison.
CWD (Convert Word To Doubleword)

The cwd instruction is used to extend the sign bit of AX into the DX register.

The algorithm is as follows

if high bit of AX = 1 then:
   DX = 65535 (0FFFFh)
   DX = 0


mov dx, 0      ; DX = 0
mov ax, 0      ; AX = 0
mov ax, -5     ; DX:AX = 00000h:0FFFBh
cwd            ; DX:AX = 0FFFFh:0FFFBh
Instruction Operands
CWD no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
DAA (Decimal Adjust AL after Addition)

The cwd instruction is used to adjust the content of the AL register after that register is used to perform the addition of two packed BCDs.

The algorithm is as follows

IF (al AND 0Fh > 9) or (the Auxilliary Flag is set)
   al = al+6
   AF set
IF (al > 99h) or (Carry Flag is set)
   al = al + 60h
   CF set


mov dx, 0      ; DX = 0
mov ax, 0      ; AX = 0
mov ax, -5     ; DX:AX = 00000h:0FFFBh
cwd            ; DX:AX = 0FFFFh:0FFFBh
Instruction Operands
DAA no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets if the adjustment of the value results in a decimal carry in either digit of the result
PF sets according to the result
CF sets if the adjustment of the value results in a decimal carry in either digit of the result
DAS (Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction)

The das instruction is used to adjust the content of the AL register after that register is used to perform the subtraction of two packed BCDs.

The algorithm is as follows

if low nibble of AL > 9 or AF = 1 then:
   AL = AL - 6
   AF = 1
if AL > 9Fh or CF = 1 then:
   AL = AL - 60h
   CF = 1


mov dx, 0      ; DX = 0
mov ax, 0      ; AX = 0
mov ax, -5     ; DX:AX = 00000h:0FFFBh
cwd            ; DX:AX = 0FFFFh:0FFFBh
Instruction Operands
DAS no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets if the adjustment of the value results in a decimal carry in either digit of the result
PF sets according to the result
CF sets if the adjustment of the value results in a decimal carry in either digit of the result
DEC (Decrement)

The dec instruction is used to subtract 1 from the destination operand while preserving the state of the CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

operand = operand - 1


mov al, 255     ; AL = 0FFh (255 or -1)
dec al          ; AL = 0FEh (254 or -2)
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF unaffected
DIV (Unsigned Divide)

The div instruction is used to divide (unsigned) the value in the AX register, DX:AX register pair or EDX:EAX register pair (dividend) by the source operand (divisor) and stores the result in the AX.

The algorithm is as follows

when operand is a byte:
AL = AX / operand
AH = remainder (modulus)

when operand is a word:
AX = (DX AX) / operand
DX = remainder (modulus)


mov ax, 203      ; AX = 00CBh
mov bl, 4
div bl           ; AL = 50 (32h), AH = 3
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
HLT (Halt)

The hlt instruction is used to stop instruction execution and place the processor in the HALT state.


mov eax, 5
Instruction Operands
HLT no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
IDIV (Signed Divide)

The idiv instruction is used to divide (signed) the value in the AL, AX, or EAX register by the source operand and store the result in the AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX registers.

The algorithm is as follows

when operand is a byte:
AL = AX / operand
AH = remainder (modulus)

when operand is a word:
AX = (DX AX) / operand
DX = remainder (modulus)


mov ax, -203         ; AX = 0FF35h
mov bl, 4
idiv bl              ; AL = -50 (0CEh), AH = -3 (0FDh)
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
IMUL (Signed Multiply)

The imul instruction is used to multiply AL, AX, or EAX registers (depending on the operand size) with the source operand and store the product in the AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX registers.

The algorithm is as follows

when operand is a byte:
AX = AL * operand

when operand is a word:
(DX AX) = AX * operand


mov al, -2
mov bl, -4
imul bl          ; AX = 8
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF For the one operand form of the instruction, sets when significant bits are carried into the upper half of the result and cleared when the result fits exactly in the lower half of the result. For the two- and three-operand forms of the instruction, sets when the result must be truncated to fit in the destination operand size and cleared when the result fits exactly in the destination operand size
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF For the one operand form of the instruction, sets when significant bits are carried into the upper half of the result and cleared when the result fits exactly in the lower half of the result. For the two- and three-operand forms of the instruction, sets when the result must be truncated to fit in the destination operand size and cleared when the result fits exactly in the destination operand size
INC (Increment)

The inc instruction is used to add 1 from the destination operand while preserving the state of the CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

operand = operand + 1


mov al, 4
inc al           ; AL = 5 
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF unaffected
INT (Interrupt)

The inc instruction is used to generate a call to the interrupt or except handler specified with the destination operand. The destination operand specifies an interrupt vector number from 0 to 255, encoded as 8-bit unsigned intermediate value. Each interrupt vector number provides index to a gate descriptor in the IDT. The interrupt vector number specifies an interrupt descriptor in the interrupt descriptor table (IDT). It provides index into the IDT. The selected interrupt descriptor in turn contains a pointer to an interrupt or exception handler procedure. In protected mode, the IDT contains an array of 8-byte descriptors, each of which is an interrupt gate, trap gate or task gate. In real-address mode, the IDT is an array of 4-byte far pointers (2-byte code segment selector and a 2-byte instruction pointer), each of which point directly to a procedure in the selected segment. (In real-address mode, the IDT is called the interrupt vector table, and its pointers are called interrupt vectors).

The algorithm is as follows

Push to stack:
- flags register
- CS
- IP

IF = 0
Transfer control to interrupt procedure


mov ah, 0eh         ; teletype
mov al, 'A'
int 10h             ; BIOS interrupt
Instruction Operands
INT immediate byte
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
VM may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
RF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
NT may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
TF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF unaffected
INTO (Call to Interrupt Procedure)

The into instruction is used to call interrupt 4 if overflow flag is 1.

The algorithm is as follows

if OF = 1 then INT 4


; -5 - 127 = -132 (not in -128..127)
; the result of SUB is wrong (124),
; so OF = 1 is set:
mov al, -5
sub al, 127            ; AL = 7Ch (124)
into                   ; process error. 
Instruction Operands
INTO no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
VM may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
RF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
NT may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
TF may be cleared, depending on the mode of operation of the processor when the INT instruction is executed
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF unaffected
IRET (Interrupt Return)

The iret instruction is used to return program control from an exception or interrupt handler to a program or procedure that was interrupted by an exception, an external interrupt, or a software-generated interrupt.

The algorithm is as follows

Pop from stack:
- IP
- CS
- flags register
Instruction Operands
IRET no operands
ID affected
VIP affected
VIF affected
AC affected
VM affected
RF affected
NT affected
IOPL affected
OF affected
DF affected
IF affected
TF affected
SF affected
ZF affected
AF affected
PF affected
CF affected
Jump Instructions
Instruction Operands Meaning Jump Condition
JA label Jump if Above CF=0 and ZF=0
JAE label Jump if Above or Equal CF=0
JB label Jump if Below CF=1
JBE label Jump if Below or Equal CF=1 or ZF=1
JC label Jump if Carry CF=1
JCXZ label Jump if CX Zero CX=0
JE label Jump if Equal ZF=1
JG label Jump if Greater (signed) ZF=0 and SF=OF
JGE label Jump if Greater or Equal (signed) SF=OF
JL label Jump if Less (signed) SF != OF
JLE label Jump if Less or Equal (signed) ZF=1 or SF != OF
JMP label Unconditional Jump unconditional
JNA label Jump if Not Above CF=1 or ZF=1
JNAE label Jump if Not Above or Equal CF=1
JNB label Jump if Not Below CF=0
JNBE label Jump if Not Below or Equal CF=0 and ZF=0
JNC label Jump if Not Carry CF=0
JNE label Jump if Not Equal ZF=0
JNG label Jump if Not Greater (signed) ZF=1 or SF != OF
JNGE label Jump if Not Greater or Equal (signed) SF != OF
JNL label Jump if Not Less (signed) SF=OF
JNLE label Jump if Not Less or Equal (signed) ZF=0 and SF=OF
JNO label Jump if Not Overflow (signed) OF=0
JNP label Jump if No Parity PF=0
JNS label Jump if Not Signed (signed) SF=0
JNZ label Jump if Not Zero ZF=0
JO label Jump if Overflow (signed) OF=1
JP label Jump if Parity PF=1
JPE label Jump if Parity Even PF=1
JPO label Jump if Parity Odd PF=0
JS label Jump if Signed (signed) SF=1
JZ label Jump if Zero ZF=1
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
LAHF (Load Status Flags into AH Register)

The lahf instruction is used to move the low byte of the EFLAGS register (which includes status flags SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF) to the AH register.

The algorithm is as follows

AH = flags register
Instruction Operands
LAHF no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
LEA (Load Effective Address)

The lea instruction is used to compute the effective address of the second operand and store it in the first operand.

The algorithm is as follows

REG = address of memory (offset)


mov bx, 35h
mov di, 12h
lea si, [bx+di]            ; SI = 35h + 12h = 47h
Instruction Operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The lodsb instruction is used to load a byte from the source operand into the AL register. The source operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from the DS:SI register. If the DF flag is 1, the SI register is decremented. The SI register is incremented or decremented by 1.

The algorithm is as follows

AL = DS:[SI]
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 1
   SI = SI - 1


section .text
 global _start         ;must be declared for using gcc

_start:                  ;tell linker entry point
 mov    ecx, len
 mov    esi, s1
 mov    edi, s2

 add al, 02
 loop    loop_here
 rep     movsb

 mov     edx,20        ;message length
 mov     ecx,s2        ;message to write
 mov     ebx,1         ;file descriptor (stdout)
 mov     eax,4         ;system call number (sys_write)
 int     0x80          ;call kernel

 mov     eax,1         ;system call number (sys_exit)
 int     0x80          ;call kernel

section .data
s1 db 'password', 0 ;source
len equ $-s1

section .bss
s2 resb 10               ;destination
Instruction Operands
lodsb no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The lodsw instruction is used to load a word from the source operand into the AX register. The source operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from the DS:SI register. If the DF flag is 1, the SI register is decremented. The SI register is incremented or decremented by 2.

The algorithm is as follows

AX = DS:[SI]
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 2
   SI = SI - 2
Instruction Operands
lodsw no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The lodsd instruction is used to load a double word from the source operand into the EAX register. The source operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from the DS:ESI register. If the DF flag is 1, the ESI register is decremented. The ESI register is incremented or decremented by 4.

The algorithm is as follows

if DF = 0 then
   ESI = ESI + 4
   ESI = ESI - 4
Instruction Operands
lodsd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The loop instruction is used to perform a loop operation using the ECX or CX register as a counter. Each time the loop instruction is executed, the count register is decremented, then checked for 0. If the count is 0, the loop is terminated and program execution continues with the instruction following the LOOP instruction. If the count is not zero, a near jump is performed to the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

CX = CX - 1
if CX <> 0 then
   no jump, continue


section	.text
   global _start        ;must be declared for using gcc

_start:	                ;tell linker entry point
   mov ecx,10
   mov eax, '1'

   mov [num], eax
   mov eax, 4
   mov ebx, 1
   push ecx

   mov ecx, num
   mov edx, 1
   int 0x80

   mov eax, [num]
   sub eax, '0'
   inc eax
   add eax, '0'
   pop ecx
   loop l1

   mov eax,1             ;system call number (sys_exit)
   int 0x80              ;call kernel
section	.bss
num resb 1
Instruction Operands
loop label
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The loope instruction is used to perform a loop operation using the ECX or CX register as a counter. Each time the loop instruction is executed, the count register is decremented. If the count is 0, the loop is terminated and program execution continues with the instruction following the LOOPE instruction. If the count is not and ZF flag is set to 1, a near jump is performed to the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

CX = CX - 1
if CX <> 0 and (ZF = 1) then
   no jump, continue
Instruction Operands
loope / loopz label
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The loopne instruction is used to perform a loop operation using the ECX or CX register as a counter. Each time the loop instruction is executed, the count register is decremented, then checked for 0. If the count is 0, the loop is terminated and program execution continues with the instruction following the LOOPNE instruction. If the count is not and ZF flag is set to 0, a near jump is performed to the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

CX = CX - 1
if CX <> 0 and (ZF = 0) then
   no jump, continue
Instruction Operands
loopne / loopnz label
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The mov instruction is used to copy the second operand to the first operand.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand2
Instruction Operands
mov REG, memory
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The movsb instruction is used to move a byte at DS:SI to ES:DI. After the move operation, the SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented automatically according to the setting of the DF flag. The SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented by 1 byte.

The algorithm is as follows

ES:[DI] = DS:[SI]
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 1
   DI = DI + 1
   SI = SI - 1
   DI = DI - 1
section	.text
   global _start        ;must be declared for using gcc

_start:	                ;tell linker entry point
   mov	ecx, len
   mov	esi, s1
   mov	edi, s2
   rep	movsb

   mov	edx,20	        ;message length
   mov	ecx,s2	        ;message to write
   mov	ebx,1	        ;file descriptor (stdout)
   mov	eax,4	        ;system call number (sys_write)
   int	0x80	        ;call kernel

   mov	eax,1	        ;system call number (sys_exit)
   int	0x80	        ;call kernel

section .data
s1 db 'Hello, world!',0 ;string 1
len equ $-s1

section	 .bss
s2 resb	20              ;destination
Instruction Operands
movsb no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The movsw instruction is used to move a word at DS:SI to ES:DI. After the move operation, the SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented automatically according to the setting of the DF flag. The SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented by 2 byte.

The algorithm is as follows

ES:[DI] = DS:[SI]
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 2
   DI = DI + 2
   SI = SI - 2
   DI = DI - 2
Instruction Operands
movsw no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The movsd instruction is used to move a double word at DS:ESI to ES:EDI. After the move operation, the SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented automatically according to the setting of the DF flag. The SI and DI registers are incremented or decremented by 4 byte.

The algorithm is as follows

ES:[DI] = DS:[SI]
if DF = 0 then
   SI = SI + 4
   DI = DI + 4
   SI = SI - 4
   DI = DI - 4
Instruction Operands
movsd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The movsx instruction is used to copy the content of the source operand to the destination operand and sign extends the value to 16 or 32 bits with 1. The size of the converted value depends on the operand-size attribute.


mov     bx, 0C3EEh  ; Sign bit of bl is now 1: BH == 1100 0011, BL == 1110 1110
movsx   ebx, bx     ; Load signed 16-bit value into 32-bit register and sign-extend
                    ; EBX is now equal FFFFC3EEh
Instruction Operands
movsx REG, REG
REG, memory
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
MUL (Unsigned Multiply)

The mul instruction is used to perform an unsigned multiplication of the first operand (AL, AX, or EAX) and the second operand and stores the result in the destination operand (AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX).

The algorithm is as follows

when operand is a byte:
ax = al * operand

when operand is a word:
(dx:ax) = ax * operand
Instruction Operands
mul REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF cleared to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1

The neg instruction is used to replace the value of the operand with its two’s complement.

The algorithm is as follows

Invert all bits of the operand
Add 1 to inverted operand
mov al, 5          ; AL = 05h
neg al             ; AL = 0FBh (-5)
neg al             ; AL = 05h (5) 
Instruction Operands
neg REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF cleared to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1

The nop instruction is used to perform no operation.

; do nothing, 3 times:
Instruction Operands
nop REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The not instruction is used to perform a bitwise NOT operation (each 1 is cleared to 0, and each 0 is set to 1) on the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand location.

The algorithm is as follows

if bit is 1 turn it to 0
if bit is 0 turn it to 1


mov al, 00011011b
not al                   ; AL = 11100100b 
Instruction Operands
not REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected
OR (Logical Inclusive OR)

The or instruction is used to perform a bitwise OR operation between the destination and source operands and stores the result in the destination operand location.


mov al, 'A' ; AL = 01000001b
or al, 00100000b             ; AL = 01100001b ('a')
Instruction Operands
or REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF unaffected
PF sets according to the result
CF unaffected

The pop instruction is used to load the value from the top of the stack to the location specified with the destination operand and then increments the stack pointer. The address-size attribute of the stack segment determines the stack pointer size (16 bits or 32 bits) and the operand-size attribute of the current code segment determines the amount of the stack pointer is incremented (2 bytes or 4 bytes).

The algorithm is as follows

operand = SS:[SP] (top of the stack)
SP = SP + 2 


mov ax, 1234h
push ax
pop dx       ; DX = 1234h 
Instruction Operands
or REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The popa instruction is used to pop all general purpose registers DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX from the stack. SP value is ignored, it is popped but not set to SP register

Instruction Operands
popa no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The popa instruction is used to pop all general purpose registers edi, esi, ebp, esp, ebx, edx, ecx, eax from the stack. ESP value is ignored, it is popped but not set to ESP register

Instruction Operands
popad no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The popf instruction is used to get flags register stored in the stack.

The algorithm is as follows

flags = SS:[SP] (top of the stack)
SP = SP + 2
Instruction Operands
popf no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The popfd instruction is used to get flags register stored in the stack.

The algorithm is as follows

flags = SS:[ESP] (top of the stack)
ESP = ESP + 2
Instruction Operands
popfd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The push instruction is used to store the value of the destination operand into the stack and decrements the stack pointer.

The algorithm is as follows

SP = SP - 2
SS:[SP] (top of the stack) = operand


mov ax, 1234h
push ax
pop dx                ; DX = 1234h
Instruction Operands
push REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The pusha instruction is used to push all general purpose registers AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, DI into the stack.

Instruction Operands
pusha no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The pushad instruction is used to push all general purpose registers eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi into the stack.

Instruction Operands
pushad no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The pushf instruction is used to store flags register in the stack.

The algorithm is as follows

SP = SP - 2
SS:[SP] (top of the stack) = flags
Instruction Operands
pushf no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The pushfd instruction is used to store flags register in the stack.

The algorithm is as follows

ESP = ESP - 2
SS:[ESP] (top of the stack) = flags
Instruction Operands
pushfd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The rcl instruction is used to shift (rotate) the bits of the first operand, the number of bit positions specified in the second operand and stores the result in the destination operand. The RCL instruction shifts the CF flag into the least-significant bit and shifts the most significant bit into the CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF and previous value of CF is inserted to the right-most position.

RCL Instruction


stc                       ; set carry (CF=1).
mov al, 1ch               ; AL = 00011100b
rcl al, 1                 ; AL = 00111001b, CF=0
Instruction Operands
rcl memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for single-bit rotates. It is undefined for multi-bit rotates
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF contains the value of the bit shifted into it

The rcr instruction is used to shift (rotate) the bits of the first operand, the number of bit positions specified in the second operand and stores the result in the destination operand. The RCR instruction shifts the CF flag into the most-significant bit and shifts the less-significant bit into the CF flag.

The algorithm is as follows

shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF and previous value of CF is inserted to the leftmost position.

RCR Instruction


stc                              ; set carry (CF=1)
mov al, 1ch                      ; AL = 00011100b
rcr al, 1                        ; AL = 10001110b, CF=0
Instruction Operands
rcr memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for single-bit rotates it is undefined for multi-bit rotates
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF contains the value of the bit shifted into it
REP (Repeat)

The rep instruction is used to repeat following movsb, movsw, movsd, lodsb, lodsw, lodsd, stosb, stosw, stosd instructions (E)CX times.

The algorithm is as follows

if CX <> 0 then
   do following chain instruction
   CX = CX - 1
   go back to check_cx
   exit from REP cycle
Instruction Operands
rep chain instructions
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The repe instruction is used to repeat following cpmsb, cpmsw, cpmsd, scasb, scasw, scasd while ZF = 1 (result is equal), maximum (E)CX times.

The algorithm is as follows

if CX <> 0 then
    do following chain instruction
    CX = CX - 1
    if ZF = 1 then:
       go back to check_cx
       exit from REPE cycle
    exit from REPE cycle
Instruction Operands
repe chain instructions
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The repne instruction is used to repeat following cpmsb, cpmsw, cpmsd, scasb, scasw, scasd while ZF = 0 (result is not equal), maximum (E)CX times.

The algorithm is as follows

if CX <> 0 then
   do following chain instruction
   CX = CX - 1
   if ZF = 0 then:
      go back to check_cx
      exit from REPNE cycle
   exit from REPNE cycle
Instruction Operands
repne chain instructions
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The ret instruction is used to return program control to a return address located on the top of the stack. The address is usually placed on the stack by call instruction.

The algorithm is as follows

Pop from stack:

if immediate operand is present:
SP = SP + operand
Instruction Operands
ret no operands or even immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The rol instruction is used to shift all the bits toward more significant bit positions except for the most-significant bit, which is rotated to the least-significant bit location.


mov al, 1ch           ; AL = 00011100b
rol al, 1             ; AL = 00111000b, CF=0
Instruction Operands
rol memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for single-bit rotates; it is undefined for multi-bit rotates
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF contains the value of the bit shifted into it

The ror instruction is used to shift all the bits toward least significant bit positions except for the least-significant bit, which is rotated to the most-significant bit location.


mov al, 1ch      ; AL = 00011100b
ror al, 1        ; AL = 00001110b, CF=0 
Instruction Operands
ror memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for single-bit rotates; it is undefined for multi-bit rotates
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF contains the value of the bit shifted into it

The sahf instruction is used to load the SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF flags of the EFLAGS register with values from the corresponding bits in the AH register (bits 7, 6, 4, 2, and 0, respectively). Bits 1, 3, and 5 of register AH are ignored.

Instruction Operands
sahf no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF loaded with values from the AH register
ZF loaded with values from the AH register
AF loaded with values from the AH register
PF loaded with values from the AH register
CF loaded with values from the AH register

The sal instruction is used to shift the bits in the first operand to the left by number of bits specified in the second operand. Bits shifted beyond the destination operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

Shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF.
Zero bit is inserted to the right-most position.


mov al, 0e0h             ; AL = 11100000b
sal al, 1                ; AL = 11000000b, CF=1
Instruction Operands
sal memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for 1-bit shifts; otherwise, it is undefined
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
ZF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
AF undefined for a non-zero count
PF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
CF contains the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand; it is undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand

The sar instruction is used to shift the bits in the first operand to the right by number of bits specified in the second operand. Bits shifted beyond the destination operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF.
The sign bit that is inserted to the left-most position has the same value as before shift.


mov al, 0e0h                ; AL = 11100000b
sar al, 1                   ; AL = 11110000b, CF=0.
mov bl, 4ch                 ; BL = 01001100b
sar bl, 1                   ; BL = 00100110b, CF=0.
Instruction Operands
sar memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for 1-bit shifts; otherwise, it is undefined
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
ZF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
AF undefined for a non-zero count
PF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
CF contains the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand; it is undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand
SBB (Subtract with Borrow)

The sbb instruction is used to subtract the first operand with the second operand and the borrow and stores the result in the first operand.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand1 - operand2 - CF


mov al, 5
sbb al, 3            ; AL = 5 - 3 - 1 = 1
Instruction Operands
sbb REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF sets according to the result

The scasb instruction is used to compare the byte specified with memory operand with the value in the AL register and sets the status flags in the EFLAGS according to the result. The memory operand address is read from the ES:DI register.

The algorithm is as follows

AL - ES:[DI]
set flags according to result:

if DF = 0 then
   DI = DI + 1
   DI = DI - 1 


section .text
   global _start        ;must be declared for using gcc

_start:	                ;tell linker entry point

   mov ecx,len
   mov edi,my_string
   mov al , 'e'
   repne scasb
   je found ; when found
   ; If not not then the following code

   mov eax,4
   mov ebx,1
   mov ecx,msg_notfound
   mov edx,len_notfound
   int 80h
   jmp exit

   mov eax,4
   mov ebx,1
   mov ecx,msg_found
   mov edx,len_found
   int 80h

   mov eax,1
   mov ebx,0
   int 80h

section .data
my_string db 'hello world', 0
len equ $-my_string

msg_found db 'found!', 0xa
len_found equ $-msg_found

msg_notfound db 'not found!'
len_notfound equ $-msg_notfound
Instruction Operands
scasb no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
ZF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
AF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
PF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
CF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison

The scasw instruction is used to compare the word specified with memory operand with the value in the AX register and sets the status flags in the EFLAGS according to the result. The memory operand address is read from the ES:DI register.

The algorithm is as follows

AX - ES:[DI]
set flags according to result:

if DF = 0 then
   DI = DI + 2
   DI = DI - 2
Instruction Operands
scasw no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
ZF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
AF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
PF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
CF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison

The scasd instruction is used to compare the double word specified with memory operand with the value in the EAX register and sets the status flags in the EFLAGS according to the result. The memory operand address is read from the ES:EDI register.

The algorithm is as follows

set flags according to result:

if DF = 0 then
   EDI = EDI + 4
   EDI = EDI - 4
Instruction Operands
scasd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
ZF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
AF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
PF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison
CF sets according to the temporary result of the comparison

The shl instruction is used to shift the bits in the first operand to the left by the number of bits specified in the second operand. Bits shifted beyond the first operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand.

The algorithm is as follows

Shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF.
Zero bit is inserted to the right-most position.


mov al, 11100000b
shl al, 1 ; AL = 11000000b, CF=1
Instruction Operands
shl memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for 1-bit shifts; otherwise, it is undefined
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
ZF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
AF undefined for a non-zero count
PF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
CF contains the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand; it is undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand

The shr instruction is used to shift the bits in the first operand to the right by the number of bits specified in the second operand. Bits shifted beyond the first operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand.

The algorithm is as follows

Shift all bits right, the bit that goes off is set to CF.
Zero bit is inserted to the left-most position.


mov al, 00000111b
shr al, 1               ; AL = 00000011b, CF=1.
Instruction Operands
shr memory, immediate
REG, immediate
memory, CL
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF affected only for 1-bit shifts; otherwise, it is undefined
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
ZF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
AF undefined for a non-zero count
PF sets according to the result. If the count is 0, the flag is not affected
CF contains the value of the last bit shifted out of the destination operand; it is undefined for SHL and SHR instructions where the count is greater than or equal to the size (in bits) of the destination operand

The stc instruction is used to set the CF flag in the EFLAGS register.

The algorithm is as follows

CF = 1
Instruction Operands
stc no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF sets

The std instruction is used to set the DF flag in the EFLAGS register.

The algorithm is as follows

DF = 1
Instruction Operands
std no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF sets
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The sti instruction is used to set the IF flag in the EFLAGS register.

The algorithm is as follows

IF = 1
Instruction Operands
sti no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF sets
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The stosb instruction is used to store a byte from the AL register into the destination operand. The destination operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from ES:DI register.

The algorithm is as follows

ES:[DI] = AL
if DF = 0 then
   DI = DI + 1
   DI = DI - 1


section	.text
   global _start        ;must be declared for using gcc

_start:	                ;tell linker entry point
   mov    ecx, len
   mov    esi, s1
   mov    edi, s2

   or      al, 20h
   loop    loop_here
   rep	movsb

   mov	edx,20	        ;message length
   mov	ecx,s2	        ;message to write
   mov	ebx,1	        ;file descriptor (stdout)
   mov	eax,4	        ;system call number (sys_write)
   int	0x80	        ;call kernel

   mov	eax,1	        ;system call number (sys_exit)
   int	0x80	        ;call kernel

section	.data
s1 db 'HELLO, WORLD', 0 ;source
len equ $-s1

section	.bss
s2 resb 20              ;destination
Instruction Operands
stosb no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The stosw instruction is used to store a word from the AX register into the destination operand. The destination operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from ES:DI register.

The algorithm is as follows

ES:[DI] = AX
if DF = 0 then
   DI = DI + 1
   DI = DI - 1
Instruction Operands
stosw no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The stosd instruction is used to store a double word from the EAX register into the destination operand. The destination operand is a memory location, the address of which is read from ES:EDI register.

The algorithm is as follows

if DF = 0 then
   EDI = EDI + 1
   EDI = EDI - 1
Instruction Operands
stosd no operands
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF unaffected
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The sub instruction is used to subtract the second operand from the first operand and stores the result in the destination operand.

The algorithm is as follows

operand1 = operand1 - operand2


mov al, 5
sub al, 1            ; AL = 4
Instruction Operands
sub REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF sets according to the result
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF sets according to the result
PF sets according to the result
CF sets according to the result

The test instruction is used to compute the bitwise logical AND of the first operand and the second operand and sets the SF, ZF, and PF status flags according to the result.


mov al, 00000101b
test al, 1        ; ZF = 0.
test al, 10b      ; ZF = 1. 
Instruction Operands
test REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared to 0
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF unaffected
PF sets according to the result
CF cleared to 0

The xchg instruction is used to exchange the contents of the destination operand and the source operand.


mov al, 5
mov ah, 2
xchg al, ah          ; AL = 2, AH = 5
xchg al, ah          ; AL = 5, AH = 2
Instruction Operands
xchg REG, memory
memory, REG
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared to 0
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF unaffected
ZF unaffected
AF unaffected
PF unaffected
CF unaffected

The xor instruction is used to perform a bitwise exclusive OR operation on the destination and the source operands and stores the result in the destination operand location.


mov al, 00000111b
xor al, 00000010b           ; AL = 00000101b
Instruction Operands
xor REG, memory
memory, REG
memory, immediate
REG, immediate
ID unaffected
VIP unaffected
VIF unaffected
AC unaffected
VM unaffected
RF unaffected
NT unaffected
IOPL unaffected
OF cleared
DF unaffected
IF unaffected
TF unaffected
SF sets according to the result
ZF sets according to the result
AF undefined
PF sets according to the result
CF cleared
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Samuel Yang

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